- 論文誌
- [1] 中村伸裕, 高橋覚, 楠本真二, "管理図を用いた欠陥管理システムによる品質改善とその効果," 電子情報通信学会論文誌D, volume J96-D, number 10, pages 2214-2225, 2013年10月.
- 国際会議
- [1] Nobuhiro Nakamura, Shinji Kusumoto, Satoru Takahashi, and Kousuke Nakatsuka, "Approach to Introducing a Statistical Quality Control," In The Joint Conference of the 21st International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM) and the 6th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (Mensura) , pages 297-301, November 2011.
- [2] Shinya Yamada, Masataka Ugumori, and Shinji Kusumoto, "A Software Tag Generation System to Realize Software Traceability," In Proc. of 17th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC2010), December 2010.
- [3] Yoshiki Higo and Shinji Kusumoto, "Enhancing Quality of Code Clone Detection with Program Dependency Graph," In Proc. of the 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, pages 315-316, 2009.
- 研究会・全国大会等
- [1] 堀田圭佑, "コードクローンの特性に対する開発者の熟練度に関する調査に向けて," ウィンターワークショップ2014・イン・大洗 論文集, volume 2014, pages 17-18, 2014年1月.
- 学位論文
- [1] Yuko Muto, "Variable Coverage: a Metric to Evaluate the Exhaustiveness for Program Specifications Based on Dbc," Master thesis, Osaka University, 2012.